Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another Blog for 2009

I'm starting a new photoblog for 2009 but if you can't get enough of my foolishness there's still lots to see on this one. Happy New Year

Monday, December 29, 2008

Afternoon walk: Homer Lake

Cattails and a trail ended by a flood

Warming the Old Dog's Bones

It almost hit 50F today with bright sun.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Culinary Christmas present

Kathy got me a shiitate mushroom block for Christmas and after repeated mistings and good care we are about to have a harvest. Yum.

Champaign County wasting taxpayer's $

Can you believe our elitist County Board spent a million tax-payer dollars to build a new clock tower for our county Courthouse? Oh yes, and there was no referendum on a public ballot. This is the epitome of local government run amok.


Lots of rain on top of frozen ground results in flooded fields and roads. Can't go through this one with my little Honda.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Local wildlife

There is not too much you can do in the middle of an ice storm so I amused myself watching the critters.

Coming in for a landing

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Book Recommendation

This is a great book that I highly recommend.

Old Man Winter

Burrrr. -1F -15F wind chill. I guess that is what we should expect on this first official day of winter. There must have been a bazillion geese sitting on the ice right at the edge of the rapidly freezing lake.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Runny nose

Here's one of our chilly gargoyles with a runny nose.

We got ice

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Classes are over

This is our East St. Louis Action Research Seminar group at our last class.

You Gotta Love It

Perhaps we'll finally get rid of this character.